Terracorpo Castle conservation and enhancement project

Terracorpo Castle conservation and enhancement project Marzano Appio (CE) Scientific Directors: Luigi Fregonese, Andrea Adami, Massimiliano Bocciarelli, Christian Campanella, Luca Cardani – Polimi Gianluca Bottarelli, Giovanna Gola – Restorers Collaborators: Jacopo Mario Helder, Elizaveta Gradusova, Laura Taffurelli, Danilele Treccani Partners: Marzano Appio Municipality Contacts: unescolab-mantova@polimi.it Project year: 2023-2024 Terracorpo Castle, with its medieval origins and current main…
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Documentation, analysis, conservation and structural improvement design for the “Locarolo” bridge

Documentation, analysis, conservation and structural improvement design for the “Locarolo” bridge Scientific Directors: Massimiliano Bocciarelli, Luigi Fregonese, Christian Campanella, Carlo Togliani Collaborator: Laura Taffurelli, Jacopo Helder, Ginevra Rossi Partners: Consorzio di bonifica DUNAS, Comune di Bozzolo (MN) Contacts: unescolab-mantova@polimi.it Project year: 2021-2022 The historic iron bridge of “Locarolo” 81912-13), in the municipality of Bozzolo, is located…
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Galleria Chiaramonti, Musei Vaticani, Roma. A laser scanner survey for the analysis of the structural deformations of the Gallery’s main facades

The upper Belvedere of the Chiaramonti Gallery was the object of surveys functional to the study and structural consolidation project. The deformation and cracking present in the horizontal structures and in the elevations was documented through a laser scanner survey.

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Post-earthquake survey for the restoration and structural consolidation of the bell tower of Santa Barbara in the Ducal Palace of Mantua

The strong tremors of the earthquake in Emilia and Lombardy in 2012 caused the collapse of the dome of the bell tower of the palatine basilica of Santa Barbara. The structure, designed by architect Bertani in the sixteenth century and an important architectural element of the skyline of the city of Mantua, was surveyed by the Hesutech group after the securing works. With photogrammetric technologies using SAPR (drone) and laser scanning…

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The churches of the Diocese of Mantua damaged by the 2012 earthquake

The 2012 post-earthquake documentation of 23 churches belonging to the Diocese of Mantua was carried out by the Hesutech group with a diversified approach that depended on both their state of disruption and hazard, and the necessities and documentation required by entities and professionals interested in intervening on the assets. (…)

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Survey and structural monitoring for a vulnerability study and intervention project. The Salone dell’ Armeria of the Palazzo del Capitano in Mantua

The first survey (…) was carried out for the accurate and detailed documentation of the geometries, surfaces and the cracking state of the “spaces” of the hall. The wooden coffered ceilings, their intrados and the extrados, were also entirely surveyed for consolidation and conservative restoration. Later on (2011), the research group conducted a study on the structural behaviour of the entire building, which was subject to significant static disruption. (…)