Santa_Maria_della_Salute_venezia_hesutech_mantovalab_fotogrammetria pavimento

Santa Maria della Salute in Venice

The survey of the marble floor for restoration​

Santa_Maria_della_Salute_venezia_hesutech_rilievo fotogrammetria

Scientific Director: Luigi Fregonese

Collaborators: Laura Taffurelli,  Francesco Fassi, Silvia Chiarini,

Stefano Cremonesi

Partner: Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia

The instrumental survey of the polychrome marble floor of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute (presbytery and high altar, choir and minor sacristy), was commissioned by the Patriarchal Seminary of Venice to support the conservative restoration works. The photogrammetric survey methodology used was similar to that used for the mosaic floor survey of St Mark’s Basilica in Venice, carried out between 2004-2006 by Hesutech group. In this case, a laser scanner survey of the areas investigated was also carried out to restore the architectural profiles and the altimetric profiles of the floor (scale 1:20 and 1:50).

