Terracorpo Castle conservation and enhancement project

Terracorpo Castle conservation and enhancement project Marzano Appio (CE) Scientific Directors: Luigi Fregonese, Andrea Adami, Massimiliano Bocciarelli, Christian Campanella, Luca Cardani – Polimi Gianluca Bottarelli, Giovanna Gola – Restorers Collaborators: Jacopo Mario Helder, Elizaveta Gradusova, Laura Taffurelli, Danilele Treccani Partners: Marzano Appio Municipality Contacts: unescolab-mantova@polimi.it Project year: 2023-2024 Terracorpo Castle, with its medieval origins and current main…
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The project for the permanent setting up of the Pisanello and Papi’s rooms in the Ducal Palace of Mantua

The project for the permanent setting-up of the Pisanello and Papi’s rooms in the Ducal Palace of Mantua Scientific Directors: Eduardo Souto de Moura, Barbara Bogoni Collaborators: Elena Montanari, Francesco Cancelliere, Matteo Colla (executive design); Manlio Mazzon (plant design); Luigi Fregonese, Andrea Adami, Laura Taffurelli, Jacopo Helder (Photogrammetric and TLS survey) Partner: Museo del Palazzo Ducale…
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The new technology hub project of ARNEG Italia spa

The new technology hub project of ARNEG Italia spa Scientific Directors: Barbara Bogoni Collaborator: Francesco Cancelliere,  Matteo Colla Contacts: barbara.bogoni@polimi.it Project year: 2019-2023 Renovation of a pre-existing rural building and setting up of new technical offices in open-space and compartmentalized spaces, laboratories for research and experimentation of new products and meeting rooms; design of a…
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The new office building project for ARNEG Portuguesa Lda – Sintra

The new office building project for ARNEG Portuguesa Lda – Sintra Scientific Directors: Barbara Bogoni Collaborator: arch.tti Francesco Cancelliere,  Matteo Colla, Cesare Cantoni, Giulia Guerini, Linda Billie Serpelloni Credits foto: @ Marco Introini Contacts: barbara.bogoni@polimi.it Project year: 2014-2019 Design of the new management building of the Arneg Portuguesa Lda Company in Sintra, Portugal, with new…
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Documentation, analysis, conservation and structural improvement design for the “Locarolo” bridge

Documentation, analysis, conservation and structural improvement design for the “Locarolo” bridge Scientific Directors: Massimiliano Bocciarelli, Luigi Fregonese, Christian Campanella, Carlo Togliani Collaborator: Laura Taffurelli, Jacopo Helder, Ginevra Rossi Partners: Consorzio di bonifica DUNAS, Comune di Bozzolo (MN) Contacts: unescolab-mantova@polimi.it Project year: 2021-2022 The historic iron bridge of “Locarolo” 81912-13), in the municipality of Bozzolo, is located…
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The Gonzaga’s Wunderkammer

The Gonzaga’s Wunderkammer Scientific Directors: Massimo Ferrari, Claudia Tinazzi Collaborator: Annalucia D’Erchia, Pedro Escoriza Torralbo Partners: Museo di Palazzo Ducale – Mantova Contacts: claudia.tinazzi@polimi.it, massimo.ferrari@polimi.it Project year: 2022 The project set out to rearrange the “Galleria delle Metamorfosi” at the Ducal Palace in Mantua in order to expand the tour of the palace itself, simultaneously…
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Enhancement of the Stable Meadows territory in the Mincio Valley​

Enhancement of the Stable Meadows territory in the Mincio Valley Scientific Directors: Carlo Peraboni, Carmen Angelillo Collaborator: Nicola Balboni Partners: Regione Lombardia, Latteria San Pietro, Comune di Goito, Comune di Marmirolo, Comune di Porto Mantovano, Comune di Roverbella  Contacts: carmen.angelillo@polimi.it, carlo.peraboni@polimi.it Project year: 2020-2021 An analysis of the Mantuan territory in the Mincio Valley reveals a complex and…
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Flying over the Basilica of S.Andrea in Mantova. Roof photogrammetric survey

The UAS flight (drone) over the roofs of the Basilica of Sant’Andrea in Mantua for the survey of the bell tower and roofs, becomes a fascinating journey to discover inaccessible parts of the Alberti’s monument. The pilots of MantovaLab, Politecnico di Milano, qualified to fly in critical areas…

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Modelling and 3D printing from an original Giulio Romano ‘s drawing for the “Con Nuova e Stravagante Maniera” exhibition, 2019

For the setup of the important exhibition on Giulio Romano at Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, “Con Nuova e Stravagante Maniera”, the organic modeling and 3D printing of a candelabra, from an original drawing of the great Renaissance artist and architect, has been realized.

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The Palazzo Ducale in Mantova: architecture in time. Augmented reality for Cultural Heritage​

Palazzo Ducale in Mantua is an emblematic case of complex architecture, in which the current configuration is the result of centuries of additions, modifications and substitutions.
The understanding, for a wide audience, of the architectural, cultural, historic and documentary value of the Gonzaga’s complex needs innovative and interactive forms of communication.

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Galleria Chiaramonti, Musei Vaticani, Roma. A laser scanner survey for the analysis of the structural deformations of the Gallery’s main facades

The upper Belvedere of the Chiaramonti Gallery was the object of surveys functional to the study and structural consolidation project. The deformation and cracking present in the horizontal structures and in the elevations was documented through a laser scanner survey.

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Santa Maria’s Convent in Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN). HBIM for conservation and redevelopment

A 3D fully geodatabase is the starting point for the generating the HBIM of the ancient convent of Santa Maria in Castiglione delle Stiviere. All the further elaborations, drafted for representating the state of conservation of the building, are…

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Santa Maria della Salute in Venice.The survey of the marble floor for restoration

The instrumental survey of the polychrome marble floor of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute (presbytery and high altar, choir and minor sacristy), was commissioned by the Patriarchal Seminary of Venice to support the conservative restoration works (…)

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Post-earthquake survey for the restoration and structural consolidation of the bell tower of Santa Barbara in the Ducal Palace of Mantua

The strong tremors of the earthquake in Emilia and Lombardy in 2012 caused the collapse of the dome of the bell tower of the palatine basilica of Santa Barbara. The structure, designed by architect Bertani in the sixteenth century and an important architectural element of the skyline of the city of Mantua, was surveyed by the Hesutech group after the securing works. With photogrammetric technologies using SAPR (drone) and laser scanning…

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The churches of the Diocese of Mantua damaged by the 2012 earthquake

The 2012 post-earthquake documentation of 23 churches belonging to the Diocese of Mantua was carried out by the Hesutech group with a diversified approach that depended on both their state of disruption and hazard, and the necessities and documentation required by entities and professionals interested in intervening on the assets. (…)

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Basilica of S.Andrea in Mantova. The survey of the main facade for the restoration and seismic adaptation

The monumental facade of the Basilica of S.Andrea in Mantua by Leon Battista Alberti has undergone restoration work, structural investigation and seismic adjustment, which took place in various phases from 2005 to 2015. The Hesutech group has produced a 3D geodatabase, which over the years incorporated multisensor data (…) in collaboration with the Regional Secretariat for Lombardy, MIBACT and the Diocese of Mantua.

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Andrea Palladio Unesco Heritage: Villa Forni Cerato in Montecchio Precalcino (VI)

The Villa is one of the few examples of Palladio’s intervention on a pre-existing building, it has been in a state of abandonment for many years. The Hesutech group has surveyed the entire building by integrating the different techniques of photogrammetric acquisition, from the ground and SAPR (drone), and laser scanning, with the support and control of a topographic framing network.


The fortified walls of the city of Sabbioneta, Unesco Heritage project

The survey of the entire external perimeter of the historical fortifications around the ideal city of Sabbioneta participate in the project: “Comune di Sabbioneta, Progetto di valorizzazione dell’ambito urbano delle Mura di Sabbioneta (MN), 2008-09”.


The ancient wooden ceilings of the Palazzo Ducale in Sabbioneta. The survey for restoration

The documentation of the significant degradation of the four prestigious sixteenth-century wooden ceilings of the Ducal Palace in Sabbioneta was carried out, by Hesutech group, with a classic photogrammetric survey and topographic network support.

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Survey and structural monitoring for a vulnerability study and intervention project. The Salone dell’ Armeria of the Palazzo del Capitano in Mantua

The first survey (…) was carried out for the accurate and detailed documentation of the geometries, surfaces and the cracking state of the “spaces” of the hall. The wooden coffered ceilings, their intrados and the extrados, were also entirely surveyed for consolidation and conservative restoration. Later on (2011), the research group conducted a study on the structural behaviour of the entire building, which was subject to significant static disruption. (…)

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National Archaeological Museum of Mantua 3D survey of stone artefacts for cataloguing

The Polo Museale della Lombardia in the period 2017 / 2018 has provided for the digitization and enhancement of stone finds from monuments at newsstands of the Augustan era, kept at the Archaeological Museum of Mantua

Historical infrastructures, a resource for the future

The research began as part of the collaboration with the Association “Friends of the Railway Suzzara-Ferrara” that on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the construction of the railway line has activated some initiatives to disseminate the knowledge of this infrastructure.

New connections for the Mincio Park. The ecological corridors between Monzambano, Cavriana and Solferino

The activity aimed at verifying the interference of territorial infrastructures and anthropic uses on ecological resources of the territories of the three municipalities.
A first phase of the work, of analytical nature, concerned the reconstruction of the framework of resources and constraints highlighted by regional, provincial and municipal planning.