Scan-to-BIM: the survey of the Basilica of San Michele Maggiore in Pavia

Scan-to-BIM: the survey of the Basilica of San Michele Maggiore in Pavia Scientific Directors: Luigi Fregonese, Nora Lombardini Collaborator: Andrea Adami, Jacopo Mario Helder, Barbara Fazion, Laura Taffurelli, Daniele Treccani Partners: Associazione “Il Bel San Michele” O.d.V. Contacts:, Project year: 2021-2022 SCAN-to-BIM is the process of creating an HBIM model of an existing…
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BIM4CH. Building Information Modelling for the planned conservation of Cultural Heritage: a question about Geomatics too

The research project has tried to verify the integrability of the advanced survey systems of architecture (Geomatics), with those of management and organization of the architectural project of BIM

HBIM convento santa maria castiglione hesutech

Santa Maria’s Convent in Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN). HBIM for conservation and redevelopment

A 3D fully geodatabase is the starting point for the generating the HBIM of the ancient convent of Santa Maria in Castiglione delle Stiviere. All the further elaborations, drafted for representating the state of conservation of the building, are…


HBIM for Cultural Heritage. Tools for design, modeling and management

10 recently graduated students, who had not entered the workforce yet (NEET), have been selected to attend this advanced training programme, aimed at creating new professional for the Cultural Heritage field thanks to HBIM tools and methods. The core experience was…

3D san marco venezia hesutech mantovalab geomatica

San Marco 3D. Bim for Cultural Heritage

San Marco 3D is a great project that aims to document the entire Basilica, through a digital model, rich in information and useful to the managing institution of the property. The Basilica of San Marco in Venice is a unique case in the field of Cultural Heritage, as it is a building site always active for its maintenance and preservation (…)

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Cathedral of San Pietro in Mantua. HBIM for programmed conservation

A HBIM model, aimed at the management of an architectural complex articulated in a perspective of programmed conservation, has been realized for the Cathedral of San Pietro in Mantua.